
Welcome to my blog. Writing my thoughts and feelings has been part of my DNA since the age of 12. So here's a collection for you to browse.  Hope you will explore and discover and be encouraged on your personal journey.

The Cross Stands Steady

The Carthusian Motto: “The Cross is steady while the world turns.”

I read this motto after being introduced to the Cathursian order in a film titled, Into Great Silence. The following thoughts flowed on the paper as I considered the steadiness of the Cross in darkness and in light.

The Cross stood strong,

As the earth quaked

And thunder roared.


The sun’s light failed,

Darkness prevailed,

The Cross held secure.


Heaven met earth,

Christ shouted out,

“My God, My God,”


The Cross stayed firm,

“It is finished.”

The veil tore in two.


While the world turns,

In light and dark,

The Cross is steady.

Take My Yoke Upon You

Take My Yoke Upon You

Life Lesson on Love

Life Lesson on Love