
Welcome to my blog. Writing my thoughts and feelings has been part of my DNA since the age of 12. So here's a collection for you to browse.  Hope you will explore and discover and be encouraged on your personal journey.

Thy Will Be Done

Thy Will Be Done

Thy will be done.” 

Oh Lord, what do these words truly mean if I speak them?

Who am I but a broken vessel?

In your hand, Lord, the wounds will surely heal.


Can I then say, “Thy will be done?”

Or must I speak these words in the midst of the brokenness

Trusting to be made whole again?


I know you are here in the pain.

Your love is as real as my next breath.

Yet the hurt slices into my heart

As tears flow to help  release the grief.


Is it true that this reality is not the truth yet to be?

Ah yes, my world is the temporal, the created, the broken.

Your truth is love, promises to keep and freedom unspoken.


A smile tugs at my soul with a twinge of hope.

The edge of joy stirs my heart for I know You,  

My Creator, Comforter and the Lover of my soul.

So, yes,  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done.


Today’s reality is not the final chapter.

Death has no power over You, the Giver of Life.

Let us give thanks for your mighty power.


In Christ there is nothing to fear.

So, I place my eternal hope in Him.

As He carefully collects  my every tear.

 I pray, “Thy Will be done, Thy Kingdom come”


Never Let Go

Never Let Go

Dancing into the Savior's Arms

Dancing into the Savior's Arms